Content Marketing by the Numbers: 12 Data-Backed Reasons to Feature Content in your Marketing Strategy

Content marketing is a necessity for businesses that serve pharma companies. Providing useful material for your target audience, whether through regularly publishing articles or creating in-depth resources like books and white papers, is often far more cost-effective and impactful than traditional marketing techniques

But don’t take our word for it. We’ve compiled the benefits of content marketing from authoritative sources so that you can see for yourself the power of content to supercharge your business’s growth.

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Costs Less

Content marketing is more cost-effective than other advertising methods. When compared to traditional advertising, content marketing costs 62% less.

Additionally, any content created can be reused to positive effect up to 5 times, further increasing cost-effectiveness.

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Produces More Leads

Content marketing generates 3 times more leads than traditional advertising. Businesses that use content marketing also get 126% more leads than businesses without any type of content marketing. 

In contract, paid ads continue to decline as a success marketing strategy. 25% of all paid advertising efforts fail due to ad blockers and the number is projected to rise in the future.

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Creates Higher Quality Leads

In addition to generating more leads, content marketing also creates better leads. Roughly 95% of all leads will share their email, name, and company information in exchange for exclusive content.

Additionally, 59% of all content marketers attest that content marketing produces the highest quality leads for their company.

Reinforces Growth

If you prioritize content marketing efforts over traditional advertising, you’re 13x times more likely to see a positive ROI.

89% of successful businesses also rate content marketing as the the number one factor contributing to growth; 72% rate content marketing strategy as the second most important factor for boosting growth.

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Improves Conversion Rates

Content marketing creates 6 times more conversion rates than traditional marketing. Quality content also affects the purchasing decision of 75% clients - 62% finalize a purchase based on content alone.

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Educates Your Audience

Content marketing provides a forum for delineating the challenges your audience faces and generating the need for your solution to those challenges.

Furthermore, about 70% of prospective clients prefer reading content instead of paid advertisements to educate themselves about a product or service.

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Increases Visibility

By publishing quality and shareable content, you can increase your brand’s visibility within search engine rankings, social media, and industry journals. 30% of all content is shared with the intent to inform and educate others, meaning your brand exposure can reach much further than your intended audience and attract unexpected leads.

Valuable content can cultivate meaningful interactions between your audience and your brand and attract additional prospective clients. 7% of all content is shared with the intent to create meaningful discussion and an exchange of ideas.

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Generates more traffic

Content drives 55% more visitors to your website than traditional advertising. B2B companies that create content regularly have almost 3X more traffic than those not creating content at all or doing it rarely.

70-80% of searchers searchers completely ignore paid ads, focusing on organic search results instead.

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Produces Long-Term Assets

Content marketing, especially when it delivers value to your audience and is optimized so they can find it, creates a library of resources your company can use across avenues and channels. “Evergreen” pieces, or content that is particularly educational and helpful, develop momentum and deliver more traffic and leads the longer they remain on your website.

The right content can be refreshed, reused, and repurposed so that any initial investment continues to pay off long after initial publication. 60% of businesses using content marketing repurpose their content from two to five times.

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Generates Actionable Insights

Given ample time, the content you create will begin to deliver information on what content your audience finds useful and what content is not as useful. Certain metrics like time spent on each article and visitor behavior before and after viewing your content are instrumental in cultivating content that your audience will find valuable and that will drive the desired action.

Data-driven businesses acquire 23 times more customers, are 6 times as likely to retain them, and are 19 times more profitable than business without any focus on measuring and improving performance.

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Boosts Your Reputation

95% of all B2B service and product buyers consider quality content as a sign of credibility. The more you publish on a particular topic, the more recognized your brand will become and the more likely it is that you develop a reputation for being the go-to expert in your particular niche.

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Demonstrates Your Expertise

B2B buyers, especially pharma, depend on the expertise of their partners. By producing content that routinely demonstrates your knowledge of the industry and your solutions to current challenges, you can position yourself as the the best option for helping your prospective clients.

This is further backed by the fact that 53% of your clients will read 3-5 pieces of content before reaching out to your brand.

Need a Little Help?

When you’re ready to begin putting the power of content marketing to work for your business, click here to contact us. Or, check out some more of our work on growth-driven content marketing.