Creating engaging content that reaches pharmaceutical companies requires an established process. This enables you to develop ideas and turn them into content on a regular basis.
An effective content marketing process boils down into 4 main elements:
Keyword research: Understanding what your audiences is looking for on Google is paramount for creating content that drives traffic to your page. Even within a narrow niche, ranking well can mean the difference between a prospective client visiting your site or your competitor’s site.
Competitive analysis: Knowing who your competition is and how they’re using content can help you surpass them. Competitive analysis also gives you a window into the types of content your audience values, letting you bypass the testing phase and move into the engagement phase.
Funnel mapping: Matching keywords with stages in the funnel increases audience engagement and drives more qualified prospects to the bottom of the funnel. When you know who your target audience, even down to the job-title level, you can deliver the type of content your target audience wants.
Effective content offers value to your audience and, ultimately, gives them a reason to do business with you. But, without going through the planning phase to understand your audience, what they’re interested in, and the channels they inhabit, your content will fall flat.
Publishing content involves more than posting your latest article. To truly give your content legs requires strategically publishing and amplifying your content on the channels where your target audience spends their time.
Backlinking outreach: Creating shareable content, then sharing it, generates links from other sites to yours. The more high-quality backlinks your site has, the better your pages rank within search results, and the more exposure your brand has.
Recycling/reusing content: Refreshing previously published material, particularly successful pieces is a cost-effective way to feed your content pipeline.
Analyzing, adjusting, and iterating: Understanding your content’s performance is the key to modifying your strategy and output to drive the best results for your business.